• Lunchtime Social League

Play soccer socially from March 12 - May 28

Join as a full team with a few friends, or even solo, and we’ll match you up with a team! Kicking off March 12 at The Square at the University of Sydney, we are inviting mixed teams to come play socially and have some fun. So get your teams in or register your interest to play in a team and we’ll do all the rest. Just turn up, have a great time and maybe even win!

Laws of the Game

Student Soccer World Cup Social League


▪ All games will be played on The Square (behind the Arena Sports Centre), Physics Road


▪ 8 players per team on the field at any one time including the goalkeeper.

▪ A minimum of 5 players on the pitch required for the match to commence.

▪ Minimum of 3 female players on the field at any time (discretion will be given on the day)

Equipment & Attire

▪ A match ball will be provided.

▪ No equipment (including a ball) will be provided for warmups.

▪ Teams are encouraged to organize a team colour shirt – however bibs will be provided if required.

▪ Players are responsible for bringing their own boots, shin pads, gloves and other protective


▪ Sunscreen will be available.

▪ Players bring their own water bottles.


▪ Each match consists of 2 x 12-minute halves, with a 2-minute half time break

▪ The game will be played on half a normal soccer field (i.e., 2 games running side-by-side)

▪ Unlimited substitutions allowed.

▪ Substitutions can be made at any time with the acknowledgement of the referee.

▪ All substitutions are to remain in the technical area throughout the duration of the match (area

identified by cones).

▪ Teams unable to field a team due to late arrivals past 5 minutes will result in a forfeit match.

▪ Kick-ins will replace throw-ins.

▪ All regular football laws of the game apply.

Officials & Misconduct

▪ The referees’ decision is final. Yellow & Red cards will be used upon their discretion.

▪ If a player is shown a red card, they must leave the field for the remaining duration of the match.

The player will also be suspended from playing the next game.

▪ Any abuse or misconduct directed at game officials or other players will result in the offending

player being asked to leave the field.

Wet Weather Policy

▪ In the case of wet weather resulting in the ground closure by SUSF Grounds Team, the games

that week will be cancelled with all teams notified by email.

Lunchtime Social League Registration

Lunchtime Social League Registration
Register Now

Join the action at the Student Soccer World Cup Social League